May 19, 2-4 pm, Beverly Public Library, 32 Essex St., Beverly, MA, a slide presentation from Courting Equality and discussion about achieving marriage equality in Massachusetts. A book-signing with the authors and photographer. … [Read more...]
Jerry Falwell, 73, dies of heart failure
CNN story here.He was reportedly found unconscious in his office.Ron Godwin, the executive vice president of Falwell's Liberty University, said "I had breakfast with him, and he was fine at breakfast," Godwin said. "He went to his office, I … [Read more...]
Constitutional Convention Scheduled for June 14th
This is it, folks. The MA Constitutional Convention will reconvene at 1 pm on June 14th. At that time, it is probable that the anti-equality marriage amendment will be addressed. This amendment would, for the first time in … [Read more...]
Bogeyman Blues – REDUX
Once again, reality does not favor Willard Romney. You may recall a recent post exploring the inconveniences of having, as his campaign slogan, First, Not France. Inconvenient because: Willard gave himself to France as a youth … [Read more...]
Exeter International
A little levity for the weekend. This is a great send-up of pray-away-the-gay ex-gay orgs like Exodus Int'l. Anyone wanting to read up on the ex-gay phallusy fallacy from a gay-positive perspective, click here. Enjoy! … [Read more...]
VoteOnMarriage LIES in their FALSE Advertisement
Question for the legally inclined: Does the FCC take complaints on proven false advertisement? … [Read more...]
Doonesbury Interviews FOF’s Dobson
So, you're a Republican candidate yearning to pander to the fundigelical AmTalibanistical vote. But you're a serial adulterer. Who do you go to for "the" stamp of approval? Why, that would be James Dobson, founder of Focus … [Read more...]
The “John Howard” Diaries
A great judge from Georgia declared just 162 years ago The amalgamation of the races is not only unnatural but is always productive of deplorable results. Our daily observations show us that the offspring of these unnatural connections are … [Read more...]
Dog Ate Karl’s Homework
[Leahe said] "Like the famous 18-minute gap in the Nixon White House tapes, it appears likely that key documentation has been erased or misplaced. This sounds like the Administration's version of 'the dog ate my homework.'"Too bad that the … [Read more...]
Nader not “An Unreasonable Man”
I went to see the new documentary "An Unreasonable Man", about Ralph Nader, and found it quite compelling. The movie is so multifaceted, it is difficult for this amateur to write an adequate review! It addresses Nader's history … [Read more...]