Sometimes history is made by the most unlikely people. Joe Biden ran an apparently effective but programmatically listless primary campaign. But if he wins the general election, reality will dictate that he act with a boldness and ambition … [Read more...]
A Demand for Progress on Climate
Like gun violence, chronic poverty and unequal health care coverage, the problem of unchecked greenhouse gas pollution won’t solve itself. As important as local and state efforts to reduce the emissions imperiling our planet are, a … [Read more...]
Massachusetts can lead the way to Medicare for All
I’ve spoken with many concerned constituents over the past few weeks about what measures I will take if the Trump-led Republican efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are successful. The health of millions of Americans is at risk … [Read more...]
Mass. Doctors Snub State Health Reform As Model for Country, Pick Single Payer
The Massachusetts Medical Society (MMS) yesterday released its annual Physician Workforce Study (a survey of 1,000 practicing physicians in the state), which, as in recent years, showed very serious shortages in primary care. However, … [Read more...]
Harvard Pilgrim’s Medicare Bailout & Health Care “Competition”
Medicare Advantage plans were created in 2003 under George W. Bush and a Republican majority in both houses of Congress to privatize Medicare: it allowed seniors to choose a private insurance company to manage their Medicare benefits … [Read more...]
Rep. Markey co-sponsors “Medicare for All” bill
On June 12, Rep. Edward Markey became the seventh member of the Massachusetts Congressional delegation to co-sponsor H.R. 676, the "Medicare for All" approach to health care reform written by Rep. John Conyers. Rep. Markey joins … [Read more...]