Even yet still another baffling, curdled-milk editorial endorsing more gas pipeline infrastructure, torching (see what I did there) us anti-pipeline "faddists"; and going so far as to flame Sens. Jamie Eldridge and Marc Pacheco and AG … [Read more...]
Holding out for better things in the pipeline
ISO-NE, our regional power grid managers, issued a new report warning of dire consequences unless we build out for MOAR GAS. Rolling blackouts! "Appeals to the public to reduce energy usage" ... horrors. I suspect we'll get full scrutiny of … [Read more...]
Globe blows it on gas
Apparently we used more oil and coal in the cold snap. That's bad. The Globe's unsigned editorial has identified exactly the wrong culprit, and the wrong solution: Two culprits stand out. First, efforts by some environmental activists … [Read more...]
Baker on fracked gas: He has to choose.
To follow up on the press release from the pipeline protestors at the State House ... The vastness of the climate issue really requires us to organize our thoughts a bit. Some things are more important than others; there is a hierarchy of … [Read more...]
SJC on greenhouse gases: Caps must be hard
Turns out that the legislature wrote a pretty tough greenhouse gas law back in 2008. And despite attempts by both Patrick and Baker administrations to squish out of it, the SJC said no way: For years, environmental groups have argued that … [Read more...]
11 Reasons We Must Say No to New Fracked Gas Infrastructure
With the Massachusetts legislature preparing to take up comprehensive energy legislation, Wall Street-controlled energy companies are pushing hard to include a pipeline tax, allowing them to charge all ratepayers a fee to build new & … [Read more...]
Nothing Natural About Fracked Gas
We don't call it "natural oil" or "natural coal." So why do we refer to methane gas - especially the gas that's been fracked - as "natural"? Fracking is the process of drilling down into the earth before a high-pressure water mixture is … [Read more...]
Passing gas, killing trees and YOUR LAWN OMG
Talk about the hyper-local effects of fossil fuels: Gas leaks kill trees, create ozone, and -- you may want to sit down before reading this -- brown your lawn*: Thousands of area gas leaks poison environment, kill trees - [News - Milford … [Read more...]
Passing gas, no matter what
Kinder Morgan announced its intent to build its gas pipeline through New England, despite not having sufficient orders to make it profitable. Why? Is this in order to make it seem like a fait accompli in order to gin up more orders and … [Read more...]
Kinder Morgan CEO Compares Gas Pipelines to Cigarettes
Kinder Morgan's proposed Northeast Energy Direct fracked gas pipeline has hit all kinds of trouble, with nearby residents saying it's not worth the risk, and folks all over Massachusetts saying its $2.7 billion cost is far too high and that … [Read more...]