...the number one contributor to the accumulation of greenhouse gases, but don't they realize they will be emptying our pockets er I mean reducing economic growth in Massachusetts by advocating change?"Lee Vemhangen, ultra-wealthy energy … [Read more...]
Who thinks the Chapter 58 law is a good piece of health reform legislation?
the new health law will force everyone who is uninsured to buy a commercial insurance product, sold at a profit, with NO RULES about how the insurers spend the money. this includes the huge sums coming from the state budget to … [Read more...]
New Patrick Reporting Scandal Breaking
As the Patrick bio is told, Deval went to Harvard Law school, and won the Moot Court Competition--no small feat that surely had an impact on his being hired by the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. The only problem, Harvard insiders say, is … [Read more...]
DailyKos entry on CleanMoneyElections, CA Prop 89. Are we in MA in the game?
Political corruption is on the rise Donations are comin' in super-size Californians need a little bit of love But we can't get in to the "Big Boys Club" A handheld camera shows the kind of enthusiastic crowds of … [Read more...]
Health reform – wishing for something does not make it so. Let’s keep at it.
As a preface, please know that we who are on the front-lines of health care delivery (I'm a nurse) desperately want reform to succeed if it places the needs of our patients and our commuities, and the long-term health of our Commonwealth … [Read more...]
New Blog
The Valley Advocate has a new web page, along with blogs. I'll be writing one of them, called "This Side of Mount Tom." Mount Tom is a ridge that runs between Holyoke and Easthampton that divides what we think of as the upper Pioneer Valley … [Read more...]
Nice Jab Mr. Patrick, Now Show’em Your Left Hook.
Well, well Mr. Patrick, I was beginning to wonder if you had it in you. It seems either you or someone in your campaign realizes that the landscape of American politics is strewn with the political carcasses of "nice guy" politicians … [Read more...]
Guerrilla Vlogger: People Powered Media – Edwards, Lamont and Deval Patrick
The Conventional Wisdom on YouTube: The current state of Conventional Wisdom on citizen-generated media/content, CGM or CGC, is not very insightful by and large. The New York Times ran a piece a couple of weeks ago discussing the YouTube - … [Read more...]
What health care system do YOU want? You’ve got until midnight 8/31/06 to say!
This national project is brought to you by some well-intentioned and hardworking folks in D.C., paid for with your tax dollars. The Citizens Health Care Working Group is a federal initiative created by a little known provision … [Read more...]
8/17 7:30 pm-ish WRKO 680 AM Talk Radio on MA Health Plan
Heads up for anyone that's interested--sorry for the late notice. I'll be on the Todd Freiburg show talking about concerns related to the Chapter 58 law … [Read more...]