Here is the full press release from Secretary Galvin referenced in the Globe story linked below.Secretary of the Commonwealth William F. Galvin, the states chief elections officer, said today, I will be seeking the order of a Superior … [Read more...]
Second Suffolk Senate Status?
The State Secretary gave an interview this morning and stated that he expects a recount in the Second Suffolk Senate contest. Any late word on that? If the results stand, it's a shame that a talented, energetic and obviously … [Read more...]
Sonia Chang-Diaz for State Senate
The Editors of Blue Mass. Group heartily endorse Sonia Chang-Diaz's campaign for the Second Suffolk Senate district. Chang-Diaz is taking on the long-time incumbent Dianne Wilkerson, whose service on Beacon Hill has been plagued with … [Read more...]
More of the Same from Wilkerson?
UPDATE (by David): Alert commenter amicus notes below that the Herald has endorsed "anybody but Wilkerson" in next week's primary.Wilkerson's OCPF report is up, and it has some pretty interesting numbers For someone with such a long history … [Read more...]
Gloves Come Off in Second Suffolk District Too
First Samiyah Diaz says that Dianne Wilkerson's ethics (or lack thereof) show that she's not fit for public office. Now Sonia Chang-for-Change Diaz posts a detailed history of Wilkerson's ethical lapses (is that a kind word for … [Read more...]
BMG chats with Sonia Chang-Diaz
Our first question for Chang-Diaz was why she decided to jump in. Her answer, not surprisingly, is that voters deserve to have their elected officials both represent their policy values, and uphold a high standard of conduct, … [Read more...]
Sneak Peek At Samiyah Diaz’s Cable TV Ad
Check it out. Is this the first cable TV ad for a state legislative race this year? http://www.samiyah4s...In the interests of continuing disclosure, I remain a Samiyah Diaz supporter and a Sonia Chang Diaz fan. … [Read more...]
Sonia Chang-Diaz: Calling for a “high standard”
In light of the recent murder of Analicia Perry, who was killed on the same spot as her brother some four years earlier, David asked, What is it going to take for city and state to react to public safety crisis? Chang-Diaz related the … [Read more...]
A Fourth Write-In Candidate for Boston’s Second Suffolk Senate Seat?
Word on the street is that a fourth Dem activist is about to toss his hat into the write-in ring for the Second Suffolk Senate District race. Does anyone have any inside scoop on that possibility? So it'll be Wilkerson, Samiyah … [Read more...]
Wilkerson getting payback from Boston Police?
Weirder and weirder. At the Phoenix, David Bernstein suggests that the Boston Police Department is feeding stories to the Herald that Sen. Diane Wilkerson might be indicted, for the purpose of affecting her primary race:Most of what … [Read more...]