Here it is: 1. Globe Northwest, 2/28/08: 2. Arlington Advocate - equal length stories on ALL three … [Read more...]
Arlington newspaper endorses Republican rep candidate
It gets even more fun. From today's Globe Northwest story, Democrat Charles D. Gallager just can't support a kid who lives with mom and dad. Charles D. Gallagher, an Arlington Town Meeting member, sees Garballey's age as a … [Read more...]
Immigration Matters: The Gay Marriage of 2008
In his monologue, Olbermann cites Tim Rutton's piece, "CNN: Corrupt News Network", in which Rutton essentially argues that immigration doesn't matter, or at least that it shouldn't matter as much.A critic from the L.A. Times, CNN's partner … [Read more...]
His Expediency Speaks
His remarks here. Seems to me a net plus for him on the road to the VP nomination. Or whatever. Let the spinning begin. … [Read more...]
To start: Max Brantley from the Arkansas Times has a good overview in Salon. Huckabee and his wife showed an avaricious side, unencumbered by any sense what is or is not tacky: Three decades after the Huckabees' wedding, his … [Read more...]
Liveblogging the “YouTube” debate
Question: "Are you as nuts as your supporters about wacko conspiracy theories?" Ron Paul "Well, actually, somewhat. The conspiracy isn't as advanced as some people say, but it's there...." Question: "Are you going to do anything about … [Read more...]
Maybe I Was Wrong About Huckabee
In all seriousness, with recent polls showing Huckabee gaining on Mitt in Iowa, we could see Huckabee beat Mitt. If Huckabee beats Mitt in Iowa and NH, Mitt will have only one response, and you'll definitely see it in South … [Read more...]
Doonesbury Interviews FOF’s Dobson
So, you're a Republican candidate yearning to pander to the fundigelical AmTalibanistical vote. But you're a serial adulterer. Who do you go to for "the" stamp of approval? Why, that would be James Dobson, founder of Focus … [Read more...]
Hey All, This next election is too important for us as a country. So I have set up http://www.november0... as a digg styled site to submit political news and views. This site is specifically for the 08 election and only news … [Read more...]
Would the Republican Party hoax us? Naaaah
This morning I had the prestigious honor of being awarded the National Leadership Award. I got a personal phone call from Tasha Sexton, who said she was from Congressman (mumble mumble)'s office. I replayed the voicemail. Again, I couldn't … [Read more...]