Here are the highlights (press release, no link, but you can find the whole thing at this link). Tougher Penalties * Increase the maximum punishment for bribery to $100,000 and 10 years imprisonment. The current penalty is up … [Read more...]
Public Integrity Task Force video available
A good recording, on DVD, of the Governor's Public Integrity Task Force hearing is available, although not from the PITF. Contact Janet Aldrich, COMFLM, REGISTRY Independent Media, Catch of the Day Video News, 978-388-2457. She … [Read more...]
Some answers on ethics
Well, I'm learning something. The other day I looked skeptically at the actual usefulness of an ethics task force, seeing as illegal stuff is, well, illegal. I'm grateful, then, to Scot Lehigh, who shows today how it isn't … [Read more...]
Ethics Task Force update: testimony will be made available online
Yesterday's public hearing of Governor Patrick's Ethics Task Force seems to have generated a good deal of heat; whether it generated much light remains to be seen. One BMG regular, Shirley Kressel, was there (she was quoted in today's … [Read more...]
Fixing the ethics mess
Pam Wilmot of Common Cause just sent out the following: Politicians in Massachusetts are being indicted at an alarming rate. This sad state of affairs comes with one silver lining: an opportunity to change politics as usual. To that … [Read more...]
Deval Patrick’s “public integrity task force”
An open letter to our legislators: As you know, the ethics and integrity of our government have come under urgent scrutiny in the last few weeks. In response, Governor Patrick has formed a "public integrity task force." This is a … [Read more...]
Patrick to file ethics legislation
GOVERNOR PATRICK ANNOUNCES ETHICS & LOBBYING REFORM INITIATIVES Moves to strengthen rules and restore public confidence BOSTON – Friday, October 31, 2008 – Governor Deval Patrick announced today actions aimed at reforming … [Read more...]
Use McCain phone bank lists to call for Obama instead?
It would take a real jerk to do something like this. Those of you who have done phone banks before know that they usually have a script for people to read to the individuals that are called, starting with "Hi, I'm a volunteer from the … [Read more...]
Hillary: The Limit: bring back Stephanie Powers
My goodness! Does the sly reference to the RFK assasination, coupled with the white voters comment from a few weeks ago, justify the "monster" remark by Stephanie Powers? Yes it does. The Hillary presidency will be a triangulatory all … [Read more...]
DiMasi’s new anti-bullying guide
Coming on the heels of the state releasing it's anti-bullying guide, May 1st, a male legislator bullied State Rep. Callahan. The threat included saying that he could "really hurt you if I wanted to." Occurring right on the heels of passing … [Read more...]